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“Grilled Cheese”


  • Pound cake
  • Yellow frosting


-- Toast one side of pound cake

-- Spread frosting on one side of pound cake

-- Place other slice of cake on top

-- Slice like a real sandwich

"Yellow Brick Road"


  • Slice chunks of cheddar cheese (or other yellow cheese)
  • Raw broccoli or celery with tops still on
  • Cream cheese


-- Spread cream cheese on plate in an S shape

-- Lay slices of cheese down like bricks following S shape

-- Cut celery down to about 2 inches keeping the top (same with broccoli)

-- Using cream cheese as glue spread on bottom of broccoli or celery

-- Place along road for trees

“Ice cream scoops”


  • Mashed potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Food coloring


-- Scoop mashed potatoes with an ice cream scoop

-- Add food coloring to make it look like chocolate syrup

-- Drizzle on top like an ice cream Sunday

-- Or place scoop in an ice cram cone

-- To get other colors for gravy you may want to consider white gravy colored or add food coloring to melted butter.

"Chocolate cake"


  • Meatloaf made in a cake pan
  • Mashed potatoes



-- Spread mashed potatoes on top of meatloaf for frosting

-- Cut like real cake

-- Serve on desert plates

Copyright 2006 Brighteyes Learning
Copyright 2005 Brighteyes Learning


Rebus recipes are Brighteyes Learning Originals made from original and existing text recipes. All images are created using public domain pics from free-grahics.com, free clipart.com, clipsahoy.com, clipart heaven.com unless otherwise noted. Wash pics are from the CDC. All actual product images are not Brighteyes Learning property and retain their original copyrights. Shrek image is a copyright of Disney and Pixar.Brighteyeslearning2 makes no claims to these images as original unless otherwise noted. All images have been found as public domain or have had permission granted by author. Additional pictures are original colleges. All attempts have been made to give proper credit to all images and contents. All rebus recipes have been adapted to fit the Brighteyes Learning2 rebus recipe format. All text recipes have been adapted from existing recipes, or are originals from Brighteyes Learning2. If you have found any material on this site which is your original work please contact brighteyeslearning2@yahoo.com and either proper credit will be given or removed per your request.