Make enough cookies so each child in the class
has at least 2
Get a bell of some kind
---Before beginning talk to the children about
sharing and that you will be pretending to be the people in the story and to please wait before eating the cookies (older
children will be okay)
*Hint: For smaller
children you may want to use toy cookies and replace them at the end with the real cookies with grandma.
---Read the story at the table
---Follow the story starting with the same
number of children (2)
--Count out the cookies each time they need
to share more
---Ask another teacher to round up each set
of children for each time the door bell rings
---Ask her to ring the bell at each point in
the story.
*Hint: make sure
you ring the bell as soon as called for.
---Lead the children for the first couple of
times to say “as the doorbell rang” (they will get the idea).
---Ask another teacher or parent helper to
be “grandma” with the new tray of cookies.
---**Children that I have done this with get
such a kick out of this that they want to do it every time they have cookies for snacks.
This is also an activity that you may want
to invite a parent in to read and you can do the doorbell and extra cookie tray.
Lots of fun!