Herman the worm
Cut 3 pieces of licorice
in half
Knot 4 pieces together
Knot 1 piece by itself
(make 2 knots) for head
Attach knotted piece
to one end of the 4 together
Trim off so no ends
Fold at knots
Tell the story—
Unfold at knots with
each round
For the part where
Herman burps they can pop it into their mouths
I could never remember
the right words (In fact I don’t even know if these were the words or not) so I just had Herman eat his family—the
children got a kick out of it. When asked why they thought it were so funny most of the children said because it was silly,
no one could really eat their family.
I was sitting on
my fence post chewing my bubble gum
And along came Herman
And I said Herman
what happened
“I ate my mom”
I was sitting on
my fence post chewing my bubble gum
And along came Herman
And I said Herman
what happened
“I ate my dad”
I was sitting on
my fence post chewing my bubble gum
And along came Herman
And I said Herman
what happened
“I ate my sister”
I was sitting on
my fence post chewing my bubble gum
And along came Herman
And I said Herman
what happened
“I ate my brother”
I was sitting on
my fence post chewing my bubble gum
And along came Herman
And I said Herman
what happened
I burped”