This recipe
“should” give you colored crystals
1/2 c Alum (found with the spices at grocery
1/4 c Water
Measuring spoon / cup
Baby food jars
Food coloring (optional)
~~Pour water into a measuring cup (bowl)
~~Add alum a little at a time
~~Add food coloring to desired color
~~Stir mixture
~~Boil mixture in microwave
~~Remove from microwave
~~Stir again to make sure all of alum is dissolved
To make a super
saturated solution after heating try to add more alum until no more will dissolve.
The more alum
that dissolves the bigger the crystal will be
~~Cool for about 2 minuets
~~Pour into jars
~~Place jars where they will not be disturbed
~~Let sit for 3 - 5 days
The longer you
let the solution sit undisturbed the bigger your crystal should be
~~After 3 – 5 days gently remove crystals from jars
~~Place them on a paper towel to dry
~~When dry look at them under a magnifying glass
~~Are they all the same?
These crystals
may dissolve after a time if allowed to get wet(and stay wet) unless you use it as a seed crystal (to grow a bigger crystal)